Baby Shower Activities & Crafts

There are 4 activities & crafts in Baby Shower Activities & Crafts. Find a craft activities your guests will love. Browse below to choose one of these fun Baby Shower Activities & Crafts to play at your baby shower.

Keepsake Time Capsule

Keepsake Time Capsule for baby shower

For this you will need to get buy or create a keepsake box. It could be a wooden box, a good-sized photo box, a large can (like the empty paint cans they sell in stores), or any other container that will hold a good amount of items. Just remember, whatever you choose will need to withstand the rigors of time, so don’t make it something that will fall apart easily.

Decorate the container for the baby, adding the baby’s name (if known), maybe the year, anything that will mark that this is for him or her. You could even add photos of the family on the outside, wrap with ribbon, use paints or markers. Get creative!

With the invitations to the baby shower, ask each guest to bring something for the baby’s time capsule. It could be a photograph with the mother to be, a letter to the baby, a relevant clipping from a newspaper or anything else that they want to share. You can even ask each guest to write a short note to go with the item telling why the item they added is important or noteworthy to them, this way when the capsule is opened years later the child will understand the thoughts that went into the item.

At the baby shower ask each guest to show their contribution, speak about it and wish the mother and baby lots of joy and happiness. Place all the items in the time capsule and present it to the mother to be with instructions that it is not to be opened until a certain date in the future with the child. You can even instruct the mom to keep the capsule sealed until the baby is 16 or 18 and then presenting it to them as a gift on their birthday, that would really bring this activity full circle.

Keep a pack of tissues on hand. We can guarantee you will need them!

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Keepsake “Letter From Me To You”

Get some good quality letter writing paper, envelopes and pens. Give each guest a sheet of paper and ask her to write a letter to the baby to be born. Let each guest talk about her relationship with the mother, her feelings about the baby and what she thinks the baby would love as a 5 year, 10 year and 15 year old birthday gift. It is great fun for the baby to see years later what his or her aunt’s and uncles thought would make great gifts. In all likelihood the gifts will all be passé! Put all the letters in a scrapbook and present as a keepsake to mommy to be.

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Diaper Doodle – Decorate a Disposable Diaper

Leave a note on a diaper for mom

Purchase a pack or two of disposable diapers. You will need one or two (more if you like) for each guest at your party, so buy enough packs to cover it. Infant/Newborn size is fine as mom will most likely go through many packs of that size before baby outgrows them.

Setup a table or area with the diapers and a bunch of markers and pens. As guests arrive tell them to decorate a diaper or two with a funny note, a drawing, a special thought (anything they want really), but something that will bring a smile to the new mom or dad’s face during those 3am diaper changes they will be doing.

At the end of the party put the diapers back in to the package and give them to the mom-to-be as a gift. Make sure to tell her to not read or look at them until she uses them, that way it is a nice surprise and something to look forward to with each changed diaper. If you want to really spice it up as a gift you can put the diapers in a new diaper bag with some baby powder and baby lotions. It is a unique and fun activity that will be appreciated.

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Puffy Paints Keepsake

This activity is loads of fun and can get messy too! Buy lots of plain white baby tees, onesie outfits, rompers, or bibs. Any baby clothing in plain white will do. Get them in small and larger sizes so they can be worn for the first year is a great idea, as well. It is best to get lots of onesies since those are the most used piece of clothing by newborns.

Get different colored puffy paints for the guests and cover a table or floor area with a cloth or sheet so your guests can use the paints without getting things dirty. Ask the guests to get creative and paint tees and onesie outfits for the baby to wear. They can draw or write special sayings or just sign the outfit with love…. let them use their imaginations, or set a theme and have each person use that.

At the end of the baby shower present the mother to be with all the hand painted clothes. This makes a great baby shower activity and is practical too!

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