You will need one baby doll and one diaper for each team, and a table for “changing the baby.”
Break your guests into teams of at least 3 or 4. Bigger parties can have more teams to make the game go faster, smaller parties may need to have less teams.
When the relay race begins, each team will stand on one end of the room. The first person on the team takes the baby doll and runs as fast as they can to the “changing table” on the other side of the room. When they get to the table they must change the baby using the diaper provided. You should have either a cloth diaper and 2 diaper pins, or to make the game easier, a disposable diaper with the reusable straps. To make it a bit more funny you can also add a bottle of baby powder to the game and require each baby’s bottom to be powdered before diapering. Be warned, the chance for a big white mess increases dramatically with this option.
Once they get the baby diapered they must run back to the starting area and pass the baby off to the next teammate. The “baby” must be diapered properly. If the diaper falls off as the player is running back they must go back and re-diaper. The next player on their team takes the baby, runs to the changing table, removes the diaper, and then diapers the baby again the same way. You keep going until all player on one team have finished successfully.
Which ever team finishes first are the winners!
You will be surprised how many people can not diaper a baby with a cloth diaper, and I promise you, one player will, in a frantic rush, diaper the baby’s head (or start to before blushing and stopping herself hoping no one saw her!) If you use disposable make sure to give the left overs to the mommy-to-be, she’ll be needed tons soon, and if you use cloth diapers in the game make sure she takes those, too, since they make great for burp cloths… and we all know she will be needing TONS of those as well.