More Baby Shower Game Ideas: Page 2

“Who Am I?”

Get name tags (“Hello My Name Is” tags work great) or create note cards with the names of famous “mothers” on them. You can use actresses, singers, fictional characters, cartoons, people in history… let your imagination go wild, just make sure it is a person others will know. If you are having a themed baby shower, use names of famous moms related to the theme, or choose favorite celebrities of the mom-to-be.

When each guest arrives put one of the “famous mom name tags” on their back, make sure the guest doesn’t know who she is. Then have your guests walk around and chat with other guests, asking only “yes” or “no” questions to try to figure out the who they are. They could ask questions such as “Am I in Movies?”, “Am I fictional?”, “Am I an author?”. The other guests can only reply with a “yes” or a “no”. The first player to guess what famous mom they are wins!

Depending on how much time you have you can have just one winner, or keep going for more.

This is a really simple way to get your guests talking and great for a last minute game if you need one.

Free Printable Version Available

We have a free “ready-to-play”, printable version of the “Who Am I?” Famous Mommies game in our printable baby shower games section, too. This printable game sheet makes the game super quick and easy to get start. Perfect for last minute parties.

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Bobbing For Pacifiers

Get a baby bathtub and fill it with water. Place a dozen or so pacifiers in the water. The guests have to retrieve as many pacifiers as possible using their mouths with their hands behind their backs in a given amount of time. Generally 1 minute is good enough to create competition. Two minutes may make it far too easy. The guest who retrieves the most pacifiers wins!

To make the game tougher or yuckier, replace water with a food like applesauce or pudding. You could even make lemonade or some nice drink and bob the pacifiers in that. Your guests might actually enjoy all the dunking they have to do.

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Baby Shower Taboo

Create “taboo” game cards using 3×5 note cards cut in half, or print them off, 12 to a sheet, on your computer. Each game card should have a main baby or pregnancy word at the top, this is the word the team has to guess, and 4-5 “taboo” words at the bottom, these are the words the player can NOT say while giving clues to their team. Example: Main Word is “Pregnant”, taboo words can be belly, fetus, maternity, nine-months, and baby. Main word is “Lullaby”, taboo words can be song, rock-a-bye, good night, sleep, and sing. You want to make enough for each team to do at least a few rounds each.

Divide the players into teams of 2-4 people. Each team takes turns and gets a chance to earn points. On the team’s turn one team member is given a taboo card (team member chosen by team). The word on the top of the card is the word their team needs to guess in 60 seconds or less. The words listed below that are words the player CAN’T say when trying to get their team members to guess the top word. As the first team member gives clues to their team (being careful not to use the taboo words as clues or they’re out) The rest of the team members shout out their answers trying to guess the word until they correctly guess it or time runs out. Correct guesses in 60 seconds or less earns the team a point.

Depending on the number of teams, and the time you want to spend playing, you can play until one team hits a set score, or for a set number of rounds (highest score at end wins). This is a very entertaining game that gets your guest involved (and laughing out loud!). Great game for co-ed showers, too.

Free Printable Card Set

We have created a free version of the taboo cards available with 48 printable baby related game cards, so if you are not up to making your own by hand you can use ours instead. Click here to download

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Baby Shower Raffle

As your guests arrive hand them each one half of a raffle ticket and place the other in a jar or bucket. You can easily print your own on your computer or buy a full roll of “real” raffle tickets online or at a party store. Once all the guests have arrived shake the ticket bucket up and get the mother to be to pull out the winning number (or numbers) and award a prize. You can easily draw a as many winners as you like to hand out door prizes or favors.

For a twist, You can also inform guests on your invitations that there will be a raffle at the shower and each ticket will cost them a baby supply item. Guests can then buy as many raffle tickets as they want with baby products like diapers, formula, bottles and bibs. Some guests will end up with 1 or 2 tickets, other guests may end up with 10 or more tickets, but the mom-to-be will walk away the winner with all her soon-to-be much needed baby supplies.

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“Let’s Make a Deal” Purse Game

Have all the ladies get their purses and let them know the rules. Using the list below, or make up your own, call out the items one by one.

The first person to produce the item from their purse (not just “say” they have it) and shout it out wins a prize. Keep this going until all your prizes are gone.

Note: To allow for more winners you can allow only one prize per person, or limit it to only 2 or 3 prizes per person. Since some girls will have much bigger purses with lots more items this may help the “small purse girls” win a prize, too.

Item List Ideas

Drivers License
Granola/fruit bar
Nose spray
Postage stamp
Lipstick/lip gloss
Credit card
5+ credit cards
Kids toy
Ipod/MP3 player
More than $100
Cell phone
Nail file
Compact mirror
Zip-Loc bag
Hand sanitizer
Hair clip
Band aid
Breath mints
USB Flash Drive
Sewing kit
Nail polish
Playing cards
Business card
Library card
Pic of yourself
Nail clipper
Jar of baby food
Breath spray
A Piece of fruit

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“Postage Paid” Baby Shower Raffle

Buy “Thank you” cards for mommy-to-be to use after the baby shower. Set up a small table or area where you can place the stack of “postage paid” envelopes from the cards. Supply some pens and a large bowl or bucket as well. As each guests arrive have them put their name and address on one of the stamped envelopes and place it in the bowl.

During the event (or at the end) mix up all the envelopes in the bowl and pull a winner for a door prize.

After the party present the guest-of-honor with the thank you cards and the stamped, addressed envelopes. This is a great way to have a door prize raffle that also give a gift that is much more appreciated than you would think.

Note: You can place stamps on the envelopes after the raffle in case a guest messes up while writing you won’t lose the stamp. Just make sure to place the stamps on the envelopes before presenting them to the mother-to-be as a gift.

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Candy Bar Diaper Game

Get an assortment of chocolate candy bars and a diaper for each bar. Number the diapers with a marker, place a small piece of candy bar into each diaper and melt them in a microwave for a few seconds until they look like “baby poop.” Give each guests a pen and paper and start passing around the diapers. Have each guest open the “poopy” diaper as it comes around to them and write down which candy bar they think is in the diaper. Be prepared to hear a lot of “yucks!” and “eeews!” while guests open the diapers and smell and poke inside to figure it out.

When you have passed around all the diapers let the guests know what each candy bar was. You will be surprised how many people are stumped by their favorite candy bar when it’s in a diaper! The guest with the most correct answers wins the game.

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Pass the “Binky”

This game is played like “musical chairs”, but instead of the guests moving, you pass a “binky” or baby bottle instead. You can use either the mommy-to-be’s favorite music for this game, or your favorite lullaby.

Have all your guests sit in a circle and hand the first person the binky. Start the music and have your guests pass the item until the music stops. When it stops whomever is holding it is “out.” This keeps going until there is no one left. The last person holding the binky wins a prize.

Note: The “binky” can be substituted for anything you like, such as a bottle, a photo of the guest-of-honor as a baby (how about a sonogram image of the baby?!), even a small wrapped present (which you can use as the prize at the end).

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Guess How Many

Get a few dozen pacifiers and a big see-through container like a novelty sized feeding bottle. You can also use a jar filled with jelly beans, Hershey kisses, gumballs, or even pacifier shaped sweet tarts. Fill the container with as many pacifiers/candy as you possibly can. Make sure you count the number of pacifiers/candy as you put them in. As guests arrive ask them to look at the bottle and write on a slip of paper their name and how many items they think are inside. The guest who comes closest to the actually number wins!

If you place some pacifiers with the caps on, some without and other with the packaging it can be quite difficult to guess how many are actually inside the bottle.

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Baby Food Feast

You will need teams of three, 2 blind folds per team, 1 baby spoon per team, bibs, and baby food.

Split your guests into teams of three. Two of the three people on each team will be blindfolded and will stand across from one another. One of the blindfolded players will feed the other blindfolded player baby food, while the third player coaches the feeder which way to go (left, right, up, or down). The first team to empty all the baby food wins!

Hint: try using individual cups of applesauce or pudding cups you can buy at the store to make the game better tasting and empty out half of each cup so you won’t make the players sick by eating too much too fast. — Submitted by Jennifer B.

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“What Not To Wear!” Gift Pass

Play this game just like “musical chairs”, but with a funny twist, and instead of the guests moving, they are passing a gift box instead.

Before the party buy a pretty corsage and wrap it in a gift box. Tell your guests that whomever is left holding the box at the end of the game has to wear whatever in inside the box for the rest of the party. Naturally, everyone will assume it is something embarrassing and will do their best to pass the box quickly!

Have all your guests sit in a circle and hand the first person the “gift”. Start the music and have your guests it until the music stops. When it stops whomever is holding the gift is “out.” The last person holding the gift box is the “winner”.

Have the winner open the box, and then wait for the huge sigh of relief (and laughs from the other guests) when they realize it’s a lovely corsage!

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Baby Belly Pillowcase Relay

Get 4-5 pillowcases and stuff them with heavy items so that they weigh a good 15-20 pounds. You can use anything heavy that will fit, heavy books or bags of rice or beans work very well. Divide your guests into groups of 4 each and create racing lanes for them to have a relay. In each lane drop 4 baby objects like bottles, pacifiers and bibs randomly from start to finish.

Each team will gather at one end of their racing lane. Tie a filled pillowcase around the waist of the person who will start for each team. The objective of the game is for each team member to tie the pillowcase around his or her waist, run down the lane and on the way back, bend and pick up one item. When back at the start the first person will then pass the pillowcase to the second team member who will tie it on and run down the racing lane, picking up one item on the way back. All team members must take a turn until all the items have been cleared off the floor. The team that collects all the baby items first wins.

While running with the extra 15 pounds may not be so difficult (especially since the guests wont be worried about hurting the books!), bending is going to be tougher than they imagined. This game can be a little bit of a workout so make sure your guests are up to the extra weight and action.

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Feeding Time Food List Game

Pick a phrase or combine the names of the parents so you have 8-10 words. The phrase could be something like — “Thank you for coming to the baby shower today!” or “What foods are healthy, nutritious and wholesome for an infant?” Ask each guest to list as many baby foods as they can by using letters from the phrase or the parents to be names. Mothers have an advantage over non-mothers so watch out.

The person who names the most foods in the time allowed wins, or for an extra twist, let the guests vote on the best answers (or worst!) to select a winner.

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Bottles Up! Drinking Game

Get one baby bottle for each guest. Fill each bottle with a drink of your choice and give one to each guest. When you say “GO!” the guests begin their “feeding time.” The first player to drink the contents of their bottle is the winner.

For a funny variation, seal the nipple on one of the bottles before giving it to the guest. No matter how hard that player tries, nothing will come out of their bottle. You will be surprised how long people will continue to try even when nothing comes out! For all of their effort make sure that player gets a prize, too!

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Pass The Pacifier

You will need a few unsharpened pencils (chopsticks work well, too) and a pacifier. Make sure you get the kind of pacifier that comes with a loop at the end. Give each guest a pencil and have them hold it in her mouth. Place the loop end of the pacifier on one of the player’s pencil. Have the players pass the pacifier from one pencil to another around the room without using their hands. Any player who drops the pacifier is out of the game. No fair cheating by refusing to accept the pacifier or dropping it on purpose! The last person left standing wins!

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Tub Toss

Take the nipples from about 10-12 baby bottles, you may also be able to buy just a package of nipples without bottles at a baby store. Get a baby bathtub and place it 5-10 feet from where the player will stand. If placed at a distance this can become quite difficult because the nipples are fairly lightweight so make sure to judge accordingly.

The aim of the game is for the guests to take turns tossing the nipples into the bathtub. The person who gets the most baby bottle nipples into the tub wins. For a short game, or with lots of players, you can have them each take one turn, for longer games give each player 2 or 3 turns. If there is a tie give the players one last tie-breaker turn to finish the game.

Depending on the baby bathtub used, after the game is complete the tub makes a nice gift for the mother-to-be, too.

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