More Baby Shower Game Ideas: Page 3

Keepsake Time Capsule

For this you will need to get buy or create a keepsake box. It could be a wooden box, a good-sized photo box, a large can (like the empty paint cans they sell in stores), or any other container that will hold a good amount of items. Just remember, whatever you choose will need to withstand the rigors of time, so don’t make it something that will fall apart easily.

Decorate the container for the baby, adding the baby’s name (if known), maybe the year, anything that will mark that this is for him or her. You could even add photos of the family on the outside, wrap with ribbon, use paints or markers. Get creative!

With the invitations to the baby shower, ask each guest to bring something for the baby’s time capsule. It could be a photograph with the mother to be, a letter to the baby, a relevant clipping from a newspaper or anything else that they want to share. You can even ask each guest to write a short note to go with the item telling why the item they added is important or noteworthy to them, this way when the capsule is opened years later the child will understand the thoughts that went into the item.

At the baby shower ask each guest to show their contribution, speak about it and wish the mother and baby lots of joy and happiness. Place all the items in the time capsule and present it to the mother to be with instructions that it is not to be opened until a certain date in the future with the child. You can even instruct the mom to keep the capsule sealed until the baby is 16 or 18 and then presenting it to them as a gift on their birthday, that would really bring this activity full circle.

Keep a pack of tissues on hand. We can guarantee you will need them!

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Puffy Paints Keepsake

This activity is loads of fun and can get messy too! Buy lots of plain white baby tees, onesie outfits, rompers, or bibs. Any baby clothing in plain white will do. Get them in small and larger sizes so they can be worn for the first year is a great idea, as well. It is best to get lots of onesies since those are the most used piece of clothing by newborns.

Get different colored puffy paints for the guests and cover a table or floor area with a cloth or sheet so your guests can use the paints without getting things dirty. Ask the guests to get creative and paint tees and onesie outfits for the baby to wear. They can draw or write special sayings or just sign the outfit with love…. let them use their imaginations, or set a theme and have each person use that.

At the end of the baby shower present the mother to be with all the hand painted clothes. This makes a great baby shower activity and is practical too!

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Diaper Changing Relay Race

You will need one baby doll and one diaper for each team, and a table for “changing the baby.”

Break your guests into teams of at least 3 or 4. Bigger parties can have more teams to make the game go faster, smaller parties may need to have less teams.

When the relay race begins, each team will stand on one end of the room. The first person on the team takes the baby doll and runs as fast as they can to the “changing table” on the other side of the room. When they get to the table they must change the baby using the diaper provided. You should have either a cloth diaper and 2 diaper pins, or to make the game easier, a disposable diaper with the reusable straps. To make it a bit more funny you can also add a bottle of baby powder to the game and require each baby’s bottom to be powdered before diapering. Be warned, the chance for a big white mess increases dramatically with this option.

Once they get the baby diapered they must run back to the starting area and pass the baby off to the next teammate. The “baby” must be diapered properly. If the diaper falls off as the player is running back they must go back and re-diaper. The next player on their team takes the baby, runs to the changing table, removes the diaper, and then diapers the baby again the same way. You keep going until all player on one team have finished successfully.

Which ever team finishes first are the winners!

You will be surprised how many people can not diaper a baby with a cloth diaper, and I promise you, one player will, in a frantic rush, diaper the baby’s head (or start to before blushing and stopping herself hoping no one saw her!) If you use disposable make sure to give the left overs to the mommy-to-be, she’ll be needed tons soon, and if you use cloth diapers in the game make sure she takes those, too, since they make great for burp cloths… and we all know she will be needing TONS of those as well.

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Baby Betting

Make a list of factual information related to the baby’s current status and conception. You can include date of conception, baby’s approximate current weight, gender of the baby, due date and similar things. A list of 5 things should be plenty; more if you have a lot of guests. Get all your guests to place “bets” on each of the listed things; one bet per item per guest.

You can easily take the bets as people arrive to get things going and keep things lively while you wait for all the guests to show up. After everyone has arrived and placed their “bets” the mother to be gives away the answers and declares the winners. Award prizes to the winners based on who had the most and closest answers.

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Animal Babies Match-Up

Make a list of animals and what their young ones are called. For example, Cow-calf, Pig-piglet, Goat-kid, Kangaroo-joey, Dog-puppy, Cat-kitten etc. On a large paper mix all the words and list them down randomly. Put the paper up on the wall.

Give each guest a paper and a pencil and ask them to match and write down the mother-child pairs. The guests are likely to get most of the answers right but a few may surprise you with their lack of baby name knowledge. The one with the most correct wins.

If you have a tie, keep one very hard mommy-baby pair for last and use it as a tie breaker, or extra bonus points if there are no ties.

Free Printable Available
We have a printable version of Baby Animal Match-Up in our free printable baby shower games section. We also have our free printable Baby Animal Name Game for a little more of a challenge!

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Baby Food Categories Game

Make a list of categories related to food. Give each guest a paper and a pen and give them 1 minute per category to write down as many baby foods as they can. You’ll be amazed at what some mothers and especially non-mothers consider as baby food!

Some food category examples are:

  1. Baby foods that are orange in color.
  2. Baby foods beginning with the letter D.
  3. Baby foods rich in calcium.
  4. Baby foods that can be stored in the freezer.
  5. Baby foods that smell great.

When time is up have your guests read their answer aloud, non-baby foods don’t count. Don’t be shocked when you hear someone say “coffee” (or even sushi!).

The person with the most accepted answers in the time allowed wins. For an extra twist have guests vote on the best and worst answers, too.

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A Day With Baby

Make a list of challenges or tasks to be completed in a typical day like folding the laundry, diaper the baby, take out the garbage, sterilize the bottles, make the formula and clip coupons. Get 7-10 tasks in your list and get a stop watch or timer. You can either setup small areas around the room to represent the “chores,” like an obstacle course, or you can have the guest just act out the actions like charades if room is limited.

Now have each guest complete the tasks on the list one at a time. During the turn have 2 or 3 random distractions for the player which the other guests get to shout out, and which must be incorporated by the person playing mom. Distractions can be answer the doorbell, answer nature’s call, get the phone, and pat the baby back to sleep. The guest who completes all the tasks quickest wins. Of course, the only way to actually win this one is to multi-task, which is a talent one really acquires only after having babies!

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Race To The Labor Room

Buy medium sized water balloons and fill enough for each guest to have multiples. Make all the guests stand at a start line and give each one a water balloon. Have the player hold it between the knees and race to the finish line without dropping it.

If the balloon falls and breaks the guest has to shout, “My water broke”, run back to the start line, grab another water balloon and start over. The guest who reaches the finish line first with their balloon intact wins.

For a variation you can also hand out prizes for the person who breaks the least (or most!) balloons before the end of the game. Be prepared for lots of water on the floor and this game is best played outdoors!

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Baby Bottle Bowling Alley

You will need nine baby bottles and a medium sized hard ball, a softball or mini basket ball would work well. Create an alley by marking it out with lines on the floor using tape or, if outside, chalk. Fill each bottle with some water to give them a bit of weight so they don’t fall down so easily and set them up in a triangle formation at the end of the lane. Then just play a traditional game of bowling using the bottles for pins.

Each person takes a turn and gets two rolls of the ball to knock down as many baby bottle “pins” as they can. When everyone has gone you start the turns over. A traditional game of bowling is 10 frames (or turns), but depending on the amount of people playing you may want to cut it down to 5 or 6 turns. Person with the highest score at the end wins.

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Baby Bottle Ring Toss

Get about 12 – 15 inexpensive baby bottles with nipples on them, the tall kind works best. Fill each bottle with water to weigh them down, then place the bottles in rows forming a square. Give each guest 5-10 “rings” and have them stand 5-7 feet from the bottles, the further away the more difficult the game so judge accordingly. You can use any type of ring, “jelly” bracelets you buy at the dollar store work well, but any ring that fits over the bottle easily will work, just make sure they have enough weight to them to be tossed.

Each guest takes a turn tossing the rings at the bottles and trying to get them over the top of the bottle or nipple part. After the player has tossed his rings collect them up and it is the next player’s turn. You can play just 1 turn each, or if you want to make it last longer, let your guests go 2 or 3 turns each. The person who gets the most rings over the most bottles wins.

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“Super Stacker” Diaper Tower Game

You will need lots of disposable diapers for this game, but if make sure your guests aren’t too crazy with them while playing the mommy-to-be can use them after the shower (she’ll need tons soon so she will appreciate it).

Give each player a large amount of diapers and a table to work on. Set a timer for 3 minutes and have your guests stack the diapers as high as they can in the time allowed without the stack falling over. If their tower of diapers falls and they have enough time they can keep trying to stack. The tallest diaper tower standing at the end of the time wins. We’ve measured tallest in the number of diapers stacked so there is no need for a ruler, but it can also be tallest measured with a measuring tape (which could get funny as people try to stack the diapers sideways for more height!).

Tip: For large groups you can have your guests play in teams, or in turns, this will cut down on the diapers you need to buy. Have 5 or 6 people playing at a time, while others cheer them on. Then just write down the highest stacking diapers each turn and the tallest diaper tower after everyone has gone is the winner.

It’s really a simple game idea with a lot of options to get creative. You could add to the rules that each player must top their stack with a bottle, or a binkie, or have players stack other multiple objects in as a requirement (such as: 1 rattle, 1 bib, and 1 pair of baby socks). Any way you play you will have tons of laughs watching these “Tower of Babbles” being built… and more fun watching them fall down!

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My Water Broke! Ice Cube Game

Get some ice trays that are designed for larger ice cubes than the regular size. Also buy small plastic babies that would fit inside each ice cube slot, you can usually find these at any party store. Place one plastic baby in each ice cube slot and then fill the tray with water. Make sure you have as many ice cube babies as you have guests and some extras as well. Put the ice trays in the freezer so you will have frozen ice cubed babies.

At the beginning of the shower put one ice cube each in a cup of water and hand one to each guest. As the ice melts the baby will slowly be revealed. When the ice is fully melted and the baby is free floating the player yells “My Water Broke!”

The guest who’s “water breaks” first and the baby is born wins the game! For twins you can use two babies per cube, or two cubes per guest.

This is a game of pure chance so it works really well to break the ice – no pun intended. A perfect door prize game to hand out random prizes, too.

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