More Baby Shower Game Ideas: Page 3

Baby Bottle Ring Toss

Get about 12 – 15 inexpensive baby bottles with nipples on them, the tall kind works best. Fill each bottle with water to weigh them down, then place the bottles in rows forming a square. Give each guest 5-10 “rings” and have them stand 5-7 feet from the bottles, the further away the more difficult the game so judge accordingly. You can use any type of ring, “jelly” bracelets you buy at the dollar store work well, but any ring that fits over the bottle easily will work, just make sure they have enough weight to them to be tossed.

Each guest takes a turn tossing the rings at the bottles and trying to get them over the top of the bottle or nipple part. After the player has tossed his rings collect them up and it is the next player’s turn. You can play just 1 turn each, or if you want to make it last longer, let your guests go 2 or 3 turns each. The person who gets the most rings over the most bottles wins.

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“Super Stacker” Diaper Tower Game

You will need lots of disposable diapers for this game, but if make sure your guests aren’t too crazy with them while playing the mommy-to-be can use them after the shower (she’ll need tons soon so she will appreciate it).

Give each player a large amount of diapers and a table to work on. Set a timer for 3 minutes and have your guests stack the diapers as high as they can in the time allowed without the stack falling over. If their tower of diapers falls and they have enough time they can keep trying to stack. The tallest diaper tower standing at the end of the time wins. We’ve measured tallest in the number of diapers stacked so there is no need for a ruler, but it can also be tallest measured with a measuring tape (which could get funny as people try to stack the diapers sideways for more height!).

Tip: For large groups you can have your guests play in teams, or in turns, this will cut down on the diapers you need to buy. Have 5 or 6 people playing at a time, while others cheer them on. Then just write down the highest stacking diapers each turn and the tallest diaper tower after everyone has gone is the winner.

It’s really a simple game idea with a lot of options to get creative. You could add to the rules that each player must top their stack with a bottle, or a binkie, or have players stack other multiple objects in as a requirement (such as: 1 rattle, 1 bib, and 1 pair of baby socks). Any way you play you will have tons of laughs watching these “Tower of Babbles” being built… and more fun watching them fall down!

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Feeding Time Food List Game

Pick a phrase or combine the names of the parents so you have 8-10 words. The phrase could be something like — “Thank you for coming to the baby shower today!” or “What foods are healthy, nutritious and wholesome for an infant?” Ask each guest to list as many baby foods as they can by using letters from the phrase or the parents to be names. Mothers have an advantage over non-mothers so watch out.

The person who names the most foods in the time allowed wins, or for an extra twist, let the guests vote on the best answers (or worst!) to select a winner.

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Baby Bottle Relay Race

You will need two baby bottles, four buckets, and two teams.

Place two buckets near each other and the other two approximately 6-10 feet in front of them. Divide players into two teams, and then divide each team in half. Place each half of the team at a bucket.

When the relay race begins, a player from each team puts a baby bottle between their legs and runs as fast as they can to the bucket that is 6-10 feet away. When they get to the bucket they must drop the bottle into the bucket without using their hands. If they drop the bottle at anytime they must take the bottle back to the start and try again. If they get the bottle in the bucket, then next player on their team gets the bottle out of the bucket, places it between their legs, and races across to the other bucket. You keep going until all player on one team have finished successfully. Which ever team finishes first are the winners! — Submitted by Jennifer B.

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Bottles Up! Drinking Game

Get one baby bottle for each guest. Fill each bottle with a drink of your choice and give one to each guest. When you say “GO!” the guests begin their “feeding time.” The first player to drink the contents of their bottle is the winner.

For a funny variation, seal the nipple on one of the bottles before giving it to the guest. No matter how hard that player tries, nothing will come out of their bottle. You will be surprised how long people will continue to try even when nothing comes out! For all of their effort make sure that player gets a prize, too!

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“Let’s Make a Deal” Purse Game

Have all the ladies get their purses and let them know the rules. Using the list below, or make up your own, call out the items one by one.

The first person to produce the item from their purse (not just “say” they have it) and shout it out wins a prize. Keep this going until all your prizes are gone.

Note: To allow for more winners you can allow only one prize per person, or limit it to only 2 or 3 prizes per person. Since some girls will have much bigger purses with lots more items this may help the “small purse girls” win a prize, too.

Item List Ideas

Drivers License
Granola/fruit bar
Nose spray
Postage stamp
Lipstick/lip gloss
Credit card
5+ credit cards
Kids toy
Ipod/MP3 player
More than $100
Cell phone
Nail file
Compact mirror
Zip-Loc bag
Hand sanitizer
Hair clip
Band aid
Breath mints
USB Flash Drive
Sewing kit
Nail polish
Playing cards
Business card
Library card
Pic of yourself
Nail clipper
Jar of baby food
Breath spray
A Piece of fruit

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Bobbing For Pacifiers

Get a baby bathtub and fill it with water. Place a dozen or so pacifiers in the water. The guests have to retrieve as many pacifiers as possible using their mouths with their hands behind their backs in a given amount of time. Generally 1 minute is good enough to create competition. Two minutes may make it far too easy. The guest who retrieves the most pacifiers wins!

To make the game tougher or yuckier, replace water with a food like applesauce or pudding. You could even make lemonade or some nice drink and bob the pacifiers in that. Your guests might actually enjoy all the dunking they have to do.

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Traveling Light

This game can be played individually, if you have a small group, or for a large party, divide your guests into 4-5 teams.

You will want to get enough medium sized diaper bags or canvas carry-all bags as you have players. Give each team or player a baby bag and tons of baby stuff like diapers, baby wipes, bibs, clothes, bottles, formula, hot water thermos, pacifiers and toys. More items that could possibly fit in the bag easily. Make sure each team or player has the same amount of items so it is fair.

The aim of the game is to pack all the baby stuff into the bag as quickly as possible without them falling out. Of course you must ensure that all the stuff will go in only if the bag is packed with extreme patience and frugality of space as only a seasoned mother can do. You will be surprised how badly some people pack a bag, and even more surprised at how well some others can.

This is a great game for a coed baby shower as you can pair up the couples in teams and see how “mommy” and “daddy” work together.

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Animal Babies Match-Up

Make a list of animals and what their young ones are called. For example, Cow-calf, Pig-piglet, Goat-kid, Kangaroo-joey, Dog-puppy, Cat-kitten etc. On a large paper mix all the words and list them down randomly. Put the paper up on the wall.

Give each guest a paper and a pencil and ask them to match and write down the mother-child pairs. The guests are likely to get most of the answers right but a few may surprise you with their lack of baby name knowledge. The one with the most correct wins.

If you have a tie, keep one very hard mommy-baby pair for last and use it as a tie breaker, or extra bonus points if there are no ties.

Free Printable Available
We have a printable version of Baby Animal Match-Up in our free printable baby shower games section. We also have our free printable Baby Animal Name Game for a little more of a challenge!

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“What Not To Wear!” Gift Pass

Play this game just like “musical chairs”, but with a funny twist, and instead of the guests moving, they are passing a gift box instead.

Before the party buy a pretty corsage and wrap it in a gift box. Tell your guests that whomever is left holding the box at the end of the game has to wear whatever in inside the box for the rest of the party. Naturally, everyone will assume it is something embarrassing and will do their best to pass the box quickly!

Have all your guests sit in a circle and hand the first person the “gift”. Start the music and have your guests it until the music stops. When it stops whomever is holding the gift is “out.” The last person holding the gift box is the “winner”.

Have the winner open the box, and then wait for the huge sigh of relief (and laughs from the other guests) when they realize it’s a lovely corsage!

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Baby Shower Taboo

Create “taboo” game cards using 3×5 note cards cut in half, or print them off, 12 to a sheet, on your computer. Each game card should have a main baby or pregnancy word at the top, this is the word the team has to guess, and 4-5 “taboo” words at the bottom, these are the words the player can NOT say while giving clues to their team. Example: Main Word is “Pregnant”, taboo words can be belly, fetus, maternity, nine-months, and baby. Main word is “Lullaby”, taboo words can be song, rock-a-bye, good night, sleep, and sing. You want to make enough for each team to do at least a few rounds each.

Divide the players into teams of 2-4 people. Each team takes turns and gets a chance to earn points. On the team’s turn one team member is given a taboo card (team member chosen by team). The word on the top of the card is the word their team needs to guess in 60 seconds or less. The words listed below that are words the player CAN’T say when trying to get their team members to guess the top word. As the first team member gives clues to their team (being careful not to use the taboo words as clues or they’re out) The rest of the team members shout out their answers trying to guess the word until they correctly guess it or time runs out. Correct guesses in 60 seconds or less earns the team a point.

Depending on the number of teams, and the time you want to spend playing, you can play until one team hits a set score, or for a set number of rounds (highest score at end wins). This is a very entertaining game that gets your guest involved (and laughing out loud!). Great game for co-ed showers, too.

Free Printable Card Set

We have created a free version of the taboo cards available with 48 printable baby related game cards, so if you are not up to making your own by hand you can use ours instead. Click here to download

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Tub Toss

Take the nipples from about 10-12 baby bottles, you may also be able to buy just a package of nipples without bottles at a baby store. Get a baby bathtub and place it 5-10 feet from where the player will stand. If placed at a distance this can become quite difficult because the nipples are fairly lightweight so make sure to judge accordingly.

The aim of the game is for the guests to take turns tossing the nipples into the bathtub. The person who gets the most baby bottle nipples into the tub wins. For a short game, or with lots of players, you can have them each take one turn, for longer games give each player 2 or 3 turns. If there is a tie give the players one last tie-breaker turn to finish the game.

Depending on the baby bathtub used, after the game is complete the tub makes a nice gift for the mother-to-be, too.

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