Food Games

There are 3 games in Food Games. Find a game your guests will love. Browse below to choose one of these fun Food Games to play at your baby shower.

Baby Food Feast

You will need teams of three, 2 blind folds per team, 1 baby spoon per team, bibs, and baby food.

Split your guests into teams of three. Two of the three people on each team will be blindfolded and will stand across from one another. One of the blindfolded players will feed the other blindfolded player baby food, while the third player coaches the feeder which way to go (left, right, up, or down). The first team to empty all the baby food wins!

Hint: try using individual cups of applesauce or pudding cups you can buy at the store to make the game better tasting and empty out half of each cup so you won’t make the players sick by eating too much too fast. — Submitted by Jennifer B.

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Spoon Fed Baby Game

You will need bibs, jars of baby food and a baby spoon with each jar. To make things more appetizing try using cups of pudding or applesauce, or at least a yummy fruit baby food. Ask all your guests to pair up. If you are having a couple baby shower this game is perfect and makes things easier. Just have the couples play together.

Give each pair a bib, a jar of baby food and a baby spoon. One of the two has to play the baby and the other the mother. The objective of the game is to finish the jar of baby food as fast as possible using only the baby spoon. The ‘baby’ must wear the bib and any spills automatically disqualify the pair. The game gets really hilarious and provides great Kodak moments.

If you want to make the game tougher, ask the ‘mother’ to use only her mouth to hold the spoon and no hands! Of course, spills become inevitable so you may want to change the rules a bit. Also this version works better with couples.

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Bottles Up! Drinking Game

Get one baby bottle for each guest. Fill each bottle with a drink of your choice and give one to each guest. When you say “GO!” the guests begin their “feeding time.” The first player to drink the contents of their bottle is the winner.

For a funny variation, seal the nipple on one of the bottles before giving it to the guest. No matter how hard that player tries, nothing will come out of their bottle. You will be surprised how long people will continue to try even when nothing comes out! For all of their effort make sure that player gets a prize, too!

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