Funny & Silly Games

There are 9 games in Funny & Silly Games. Find a game your guests will love. Browse below to choose one of these fun Funny & Silly Games to play at your baby shower.

Race To The Labor Room

Buy medium sized water balloons and fill enough for each guest to have multiples. Make all the guests stand at a start line and give each one a water balloon. Have the player hold it between the knees and race to the finish line without dropping it.

If the balloon falls and breaks the guest has to shout, “My water broke”, run back to the start line, grab another water balloon and start over. The guest who reaches the finish line first with their balloon intact wins.

For a variation you can also hand out prizes for the person who breaks the least (or most!) balloons before the end of the game. Be prepared for lots of water on the floor and this game is best played outdoors!

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Ballooning Belly

Blow up a bunch of small sized balloons. The aim of the game is to have the players create their own “baby belly” with the balloons. Have the guests stuff as many of the balloons under their shirt as they can without popping them to form a belly. The guest who can stuff the most number of balloons inside her shirt and create the largest belly – wins. Be prepared to blow up loads of balloons for this game and have extra balloons to blow up if needed.

It’s a great sight to see woman wearing fitted tops and dresses have a go at this one and you will be surprised at how many balloons women can get in their shirts when they are trying to win!

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The Speedy Diaper Game

Get a toy baby doll, some diapers, a stopwatch, and a blindfold. Once all your guests have arrived tell them that the baby needs his midnight diaper change but the lights are out. So you are going to have to diaper the baby in the dark! Let each guest have a go at diapering the baby blindfolded.

The trick is to hand the guest the diaper upside down or inside out so they spend precious time figuring out which side is the right side up. Some of them might not even bother to do that and put on the diaper all wrong! The guests who does it correctly in the fastest time wins. It is great fun to see each guest fumbling in the dark with the baby and the diaper, and a nice photo op, too!

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Bottles Up! Drinking Game

Get one baby bottle for each guest. Fill each bottle with a drink of your choice and give one to each guest. When you say “GO!” the guests begin their “feeding time.” The first player to drink the contents of their bottle is the winner.

For a funny variation, seal the nipple on one of the bottles before giving it to the guest. No matter how hard that player tries, nothing will come out of their bottle. You will be surprised how long people will continue to try even when nothing comes out! For all of their effort make sure that player gets a prize, too!

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“Poop It!” Game

This one is really yucky but the expressions on your guests’ faces are going to be worth the trouble. Get as many diapers as you have guests. Stain each diaper with a yucky smelling food or any kind of goop that doesn’t smell so great BEFORE you hand them out to your guests. You can even pick the prank poop you get in stores.

Give each guest a diaper, don’t let on it’s already filled with yucky “poop”. Place a bowl of “poop” (left over baby food or pudding) in the center of a table and tell your guests that have to place as much poop in the diaper as they think a baby would do. Get ready with your camera; this is the prank part. When guests undo the diaper to ‘place’ the poop in their “clean” diaper they will already discover something terrible & smelly there and they are going to react as though it’s real baby poop! The guests without a baby are the one’s to really watch out for.

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Spoon Fed Baby Game

You will need bibs, jars of baby food and a baby spoon with each jar. To make things more appetizing try using cups of pudding or applesauce, or at least a yummy fruit baby food. Ask all your guests to pair up. If you are having a couple baby shower this game is perfect and makes things easier. Just have the couples play together.

Give each pair a bib, a jar of baby food and a baby spoon. One of the two has to play the baby and the other the mother. The objective of the game is to finish the jar of baby food as fast as possible using only the baby spoon. The ‘baby’ must wear the bib and any spills automatically disqualify the pair. The game gets really hilarious and provides great Kodak moments.

If you want to make the game tougher, ask the ‘mother’ to use only her mouth to hold the spoon and no hands! Of course, spills become inevitable so you may want to change the rules a bit. Also this version works better with couples.

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Candy Bar Diaper Game

Get an assortment of chocolate candy bars and a diaper for each bar. Number the diapers with a marker, place a small piece of candy bar into each diaper and melt them in a microwave for a few seconds until they look like “baby poop.” Give each guests a pen and paper and start passing around the diapers. Have each guest open the “poopy” diaper as it comes around to them and write down which candy bar they think is in the diaper. Be prepared to hear a lot of “yucks!” and “eeews!” while guests open the diapers and smell and poke inside to figure it out.

When you have passed around all the diapers let the guests know what each candy bar was. You will be surprised how many people are stumped by their favorite candy bar when it’s in a diaper! The guest with the most correct answers wins the game.

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Baby Bottle Relay Race

You will need two baby bottles, four buckets, and two teams.

Place two buckets near each other and the other two approximately 6-10 feet in front of them. Divide players into two teams, and then divide each team in half. Place each half of the team at a bucket.

When the relay race begins, a player from each team puts a baby bottle between their legs and runs as fast as they can to the bucket that is 6-10 feet away. When they get to the bucket they must drop the bottle into the bucket without using their hands. If they drop the bottle at anytime they must take the bottle back to the start and try again. If they get the bottle in the bucket, then next player on their team gets the bottle out of the bucket, places it between their legs, and races across to the other bucket. You keep going until all player on one team have finished successfully. Which ever team finishes first are the winners! — Submitted by Jennifer B.

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“What Not To Wear!” Gift Pass

Play this game just like “musical chairs”, but with a funny twist, and instead of the guests moving, they are passing a gift box instead.

Before the party buy a pretty corsage and wrap it in a gift box. Tell your guests that whomever is left holding the box at the end of the game has to wear whatever in inside the box for the rest of the party. Naturally, everyone will assume it is something embarrassing and will do their best to pass the box quickly!

Have all your guests sit in a circle and hand the first person the “gift”. Start the music and have your guests it until the music stops. When it stops whomever is holding the gift is “out.” The last person holding the gift box is the “winner”.

Have the winner open the box, and then wait for the huge sigh of relief (and laughs from the other guests) when they realize it’s a lovely corsage!

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