Games to Break The Ice

There are 3 games in Games to Break The Ice. Find a game your guests will love. Browse below to choose one of these fun Games to Break The Ice to play at your baby shower.

Don’t Say Baby – Tokens & Taboo Game

Select a word that is considered “Taboo” for the duration of the baby shower. “Baby” is the most widely used, but “pregnancy”, “mommy”, or even “labor” are all possible taboo words. As soon as a guest arrives at the baby shower, tell her what the taboo word(s) are and give her 1-3 “tokens”. The bigger the party the less tokens you need to give. Give a few more tokens per person for smaller groups to help the game be a bit more fun. Safety pins, clothes pins, plastic bracelets, even a small ribbon, anything that can be passed around easily makes a perfect “token”.

If a guest hears another guest using the taboo word, she can take a token from her. The guest with the most number of tokens at the end of the baby shower wins the game.

For a themed shower you can use a “token” that is related to it. So if you are having a Hawaiian baby shower theme, get leis to use as tokens. For a garden theme baby shower you can use flowers as tokens and so on.

This is a great ice breaker game as it gets guests who do not even know each other talking and trying to get token from people they have never met.

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My Water Broke! Ice Cube Game

Get some ice trays that are designed for larger ice cubes than the regular size. Also buy small plastic babies that would fit inside each ice cube slot, you can usually find these at any party store. Place one plastic baby in each ice cube slot and then fill the tray with water. Make sure you have as many ice cube babies as you have guests and some extras as well. Put the ice trays in the freezer so you will have frozen ice cubed babies.

At the beginning of the shower put one ice cube each in a cup of water and hand one to each guest. As the ice melts the baby will slowly be revealed. When the ice is fully melted and the baby is free floating the player yells “My Water Broke!”

The guest who’s “water breaks” first and the baby is born wins the game! For twins you can use two babies per cube, or two cubes per guest.

This is a game of pure chance so it works really well to break the ice – no pun intended. A perfect door prize game to hand out random prizes, too.

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“Who Am I?”

Get name tags (“Hello My Name Is” tags work great) or create note cards with the names of famous “mothers” on them. You can use actresses, singers, fictional characters, cartoons, people in history… let your imagination go wild, just make sure it is a person others will know. If you are having a themed baby shower, use names of famous moms related to the theme, or choose favorite celebrities of the mom-to-be.

When each guest arrives put one of the “famous mom name tags” on their back, make sure the guest doesn’t know who she is. Then have your guests walk around and chat with other guests, asking only “yes” or “no” questions to try to figure out the who they are. They could ask questions such as “Am I in Movies?”, “Am I fictional?”, “Am I an author?”. The other guests can only reply with a “yes” or a “no”. The first player to guess what famous mom they are wins!

Depending on how much time you have you can have just one winner, or keep going for more.

This is a really simple way to get your guests talking and great for a last minute game if you need one.

Free Printable Version Available

We have a free “ready-to-play”, printable version of the “Who Am I?” Famous Mommies game in our printable baby shower games section, too. This printable game sheet makes the game super quick and easy to get start. Perfect for last minute parties.

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