This is a fun little game that can be played without much planning and get’s people in a party mood.
This game is played like “musical chairs”, but instead of the guests moving, you pass a “binky” or baby bottle instead. You can use either the mommy-to-be’s favorite music for this game, or your favorite lullaby.
Have all your guests sit in a circle and hand the first person the binky. Start the music and have your guests pass the item until the music stops. When it stops whomever is holding it is “out.” This keeps going until the end. The last person holding the binky wins a prize.
Note: The “binky” can be substituted for anything you like, such as a bottle, a photo of the guest-of-honor as a baby (how about a sonogram image of the baby?!), even a small wrapped present (which you can use as the prize at the end).