Baby Shower Pranks

There are 3 games in Baby Shower Pranks. Find a game your guests will love. Browse below to choose one of these fun Baby Shower Pranks to play at your baby shower.

Diaper The Baby Boy Game

This is more of a joke on the new mommy-to-be then an actual game, but well worth the photo op if the new mommy is a fun loving and easy going gal.

Draw a large baby boy on a paper and tape it to the wall. Tell everyone that the object of the game is to pin the diaper on the baby boy blindfolded. Everyone thinks this is a spin off on the ‘Pin the tale on the donkey’ game. However, this time round get the mother to be to go first. As soon as she is blindfolded, whip out a bunch of water guns and spray her with water. She’ll be shrieking for mercy before you know it but tell her with baby boys you have to be careful else you get sprayed!

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“Poop It!” Game

This one is really yucky but the expressions on your guests’ faces are going to be worth the trouble. Get as many diapers as you have guests. Stain each diaper with a yucky smelling food or any kind of goop that doesn’t smell so great BEFORE you hand them out to your guests. You can even pick the prank poop you get in stores.

Give each guest a diaper, don’t let on it’s already filled with yucky “poop”. Place a bowl of “poop” (left over baby food or pudding) in the center of a table and tell your guests that have to place as much poop in the diaper as they think a baby would do. Get ready with your camera; this is the prank part. When guests undo the diaper to ‘place’ the poop in their “clean” diaper they will already discover something terrible & smelly there and they are going to react as though it’s real baby poop! The guests without a baby are the one’s to really watch out for.

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“What Not To Wear!” Gift Pass

Play this game just like “musical chairs”, but with a funny twist, and instead of the guests moving, they are passing a gift box instead.

Before the party buy a pretty corsage and wrap it in a gift box. Tell your guests that whomever is left holding the box at the end of the game has to wear whatever in inside the box for the rest of the party. Naturally, everyone will assume it is something embarrassing and will do their best to pass the box quickly!

Have all your guests sit in a circle and hand the first person the “gift”. Start the music and have your guests it until the music stops. When it stops whomever is holding the gift is “out.” The last person holding the gift box is the “winner”.

Have the winner open the box, and then wait for the huge sigh of relief (and laughs from the other guests) when they realize it’s a lovely corsage!

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