Create “taboo” game cards using 3×5 note cards cut in half, or print them off, 12 to a sheet, on your computer. Each game card should have a main baby or pregnancy word at the top, this is the word the team has to guess, and 4-5 “taboo” words at the bottom, these are the words the player can NOT say while giving clues to their team. Example: Main Word is “Pregnant”, taboo words can be belly, fetus, maternity, nine-months, and baby. Main word is “Lullaby”, taboo words can be song, rock-a-bye, good night, sleep, and sing. You want to make enough for each team to do at least a few rounds each.
Divide the players into teams of 2-4 people. Each team takes turns and gets a chance to earn points. On the team’s turn one team member is given a taboo card (team member chosen by team). The word on the top of the card is the word their team needs to guess in 60 seconds or less. The words listed below that are words the player CAN’T say when trying to get their team members to guess the top word. As the first team member gives clues to their team (being careful not to use the taboo words as clues or they’re out) The rest of the team members shout out their answers trying to guess the word until they correctly guess it or time runs out. Correct guesses in 60 seconds or less earns the team a point.
Depending on the number of teams, and the time you want to spend playing, you can play until one team hits a set score, or for a set number of rounds (highest score at end wins). This is a very entertaining game that gets your guest involved (and laughing out loud!). Great game for co-ed showers, too.
Free Printable Card Set
We have created a free version of the taboo cards available with 48 printable baby related game cards, so if you are not up to making your own by hand you can use ours instead. Click here to download