Trivia & Word Games

There are 6 games in Trivia & Word Games. Find a game your guests will love. Browse below to choose one of these fun Trivia & Word Games to play at your baby shower.

Baby Shower Taboo

Create “taboo” game cards using 3×5 note cards cut in half, or print them off, 12 to a sheet, on your computer. Each game card should have a main baby or pregnancy word at the top, this is the word the team has to guess, and 4-5 “taboo” words at the bottom, these are the words the player can NOT say while giving clues to their team. Example: Main Word is “Pregnant”, taboo words can be belly, fetus, maternity, nine-months, and baby. Main word is “Lullaby”, taboo words can be song, rock-a-bye, good night, sleep, and sing. You want to make enough for each team to do at least a few rounds each.

Divide the players into teams of 2-4 people. Each team takes turns and gets a chance to earn points. On the team’s turn one team member is given a taboo card (team member chosen by team). The word on the top of the card is the word their team needs to guess in 60 seconds or less. The words listed below that are words the player CAN’T say when trying to get their team members to guess the top word. As the first team member gives clues to their team (being careful not to use the taboo words as clues or they’re out) The rest of the team members shout out their answers trying to guess the word until they correctly guess it or time runs out. Correct guesses in 60 seconds or less earns the team a point.

Depending on the number of teams, and the time you want to spend playing, you can play until one team hits a set score, or for a set number of rounds (highest score at end wins). This is a very entertaining game that gets your guest involved (and laughing out loud!). Great game for co-ed showers, too.

Free Printable Card Set

We have created a free version of the taboo cards available with 48 printable baby related game cards, so if you are not up to making your own by hand you can use ours instead. Click here to download

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Feeding Time Food List Game

Pick a phrase or combine the names of the parents so you have 8-10 words. The phrase could be something like — “Thank you for coming to the baby shower today!” or “What foods are healthy, nutritious and wholesome for an infant?” Ask each guest to list as many baby foods as they can by using letters from the phrase or the parents to be names. Mothers have an advantage over non-mothers so watch out.

The person who names the most foods in the time allowed wins, or for an extra twist, let the guests vote on the best answers (or worst!) to select a winner.

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Baby’s The Word

Give all your guests a pen and a paper. Set a timer for a five-minute limit. Ask the guests to list as many movie names as they can with the word “Baby” in the title. The name can include variations of the word “Baby” like babies or baby’s. The guest who lists the most number of movies wins!

You can also play a variation where you ask your guests to list songs that have the word “Baby” in the chorus. This list is likely to be much longer than the movies list.

In another variation, you can create a set of categories like “Movies titles with the word baby in them”, “Song with the word baby in the chorus”, “Nursery rhymes with the word baby in them” and the like. Give the guests 1 minute per category to list down as many items as they can. The guest with the maximum number of items wins.

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Animal Babies Match-Up

Make a list of animals and what their young ones are called. For example, Cow-calf, Pig-piglet, Goat-kid, Kangaroo-joey, Dog-puppy, Cat-kitten etc. On a large paper mix all the words and list them down randomly. Put the paper up on the wall.

Give each guest a paper and a pencil and ask them to match and write down the mother-child pairs. The guests are likely to get most of the answers right but a few may surprise you with their lack of baby name knowledge. The one with the most correct wins.

If you have a tie, keep one very hard mommy-baby pair for last and use it as a tie breaker, or extra bonus points if there are no ties.

Free Printable Available
We have a printable version of Baby Animal Match-Up in our free printable baby shower games section. We also have our free printable Baby Animal Name Game for a little more of a challenge!

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Baby Food Categories Game

Make a list of categories related to food. Give each guest a paper and a pen and give them 1 minute per category to write down as many baby foods as they can. You’ll be amazed at what some mothers and especially non-mothers consider as baby food!

Some food category examples are:

  1. Baby foods that are orange in color.
  2. Baby foods beginning with the letter D.
  3. Baby foods rich in calcium.
  4. Baby foods that can be stored in the freezer.
  5. Baby foods that smell great.

When time is up have your guests read their answer aloud, non-baby foods don’t count. Don’t be shocked when you hear someone say “coffee” (or even sushi!).

The person with the most accepted answers in the time allowed wins. For an extra twist have guests vote on the best and worst answers, too.

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Name That Tune

Get a cd (or setup your ipod with them) of baby nursery rhymes, lullubys and popular songs that has only the music or tunes on it, no lyrics. Set up your music player so that all your guests can hear the tunes.

Give each player a sheet of paper and a pen. Play each song for a short period of time and ask the guests to guess which nursery rhyme or song it is and have them write it down on their sheet of paper. The guest who gets the most correct answers wins.

You can also play it as a “shout it out” type game and let your guests just call out the names until someone is correct, then give an extra point if they can “sing a few lines”. Just make sure you have someone keep track of the score.

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