Keepsake “Letter From Me To You”


  • Good quality Writing Paper
  • Envelopes
  • Pens
  • Keepsake box or Scrapbook
  • There are lots of special words people would like to express to the little bundle of joy when they are born. Capture the thoughts, wishes, and warm sentaments of friends and family to show to the new baby years from now when he can understand more fully how special and exciting his birth was for his family.


    Get some good quality letter writing paper, envelopes and pens. Give each guest a sheet of paper and ask her to write a letter to the baby to be born. Let each guest talk about her relationship with the mother, her feelings about the baby and what she thinks the baby would love as a 5 year, 10 year and 15 year old birthday gift. It is great fun for the baby to see years later what his or her aunt’s and uncles thought would make great gifts. In all likelihood the gifts will all be passé! Put all the letters in a scrapbook and present as a keepsake to mommy to be.